The aims of the Maths Curriculum at Inspire are:

  • To promote enjoyment of mathematical learning through practical activity, exploration and mathematical discussion
  • To inspire a curiosity about mathematics both in the world today and in the future
  • To develop fluency in number and in calculations
  • To build mathematical reasoning over time through a range of real-life contexts
  • To apply their mathematical knowledge to simple and complex problems 
  • To develop confidence, perseverance and problem- solving skills.

Delivering of Maths lessons at Inspire:

Maths No Problem!

We teach our children Maths through the ‘Maths No Problem!’ (MNP) programme. The ‘Maths No Problem!’ approach uses concrete objects to test mathematic concepts and build a clearer understanding of abstract ideas. Key concepts are introduced using a range of resources, giving children the chance to see a problem and using manipulatives to build an understanding and make links across their learning.

We believe that children should develop a rich understanding of a subject area and should not be rushed through the curriculum. Children should be exposed to a range of problems around the same key concepts before being rushed onto another subject area.


We also have a strong focus on arithmetic skills and mastering the basics of mathematics, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, in all year groups. Learning ‘key number facts’ is prioritised, so our children have the best chance of being able to ‘use and apply’ their maths skills easily and fluently in discrete Maths lessons, across the wider curriculum and also for their later life in KS3 and beyond.