The Haven

The Haven is an Enhanced Communication and Interaction provision based at Stockingford Academy. It is an 8 place
primary school provision, for children with an Education and Health Care Plan. Entry to this provision is via Warwickshire County Panel and not through a mainstream placement at Stockingford Academy.
Each day starts with sensory activities before registration. Sensory activities are integrated into the daily timetable to support the individual child’s sensory needs throughout the day, whenever needed.

Each morning, children follow the National Curriculum led by staff experienced in working with children with additional needs. Children follow a personalised curriculum. A known timetable is followed daily. Learning experiences are optimised as staff scaffold learning when children are calm and ready to learn. Literacy and Numeracy skills are developed alongside supporting social and emotional needs, in an effective learning environment. Staff support children develop an awareness of their feelings and emotions, helping them to develop strategies to enhance self-regulation skills.

During the afternoon, children have a heightened therapeutic curriculum where learning is more focused on paired or small group work. EHCP and Individual Education Plan targets are at the core of the Haven curriculum.
Children in the Haven attend mainstream classes where it is appropriate, and success can be celebrated. This gives children a sense of belonging to the wider school, extends their friendship groups and allows an experience of working in a larger group.